The Functional Medicine Approach

The functional medicine analysis of the biochemical processes of a person's physiology fits congruently within the vitalistic philosophical model of chiropractic healthcare.  The functional medicine approach is an individualized, patient-centered, science-based system that empowers patients and practitioners to work together to address the underlying causes of disease to promote progression towards the patient's optimal level of wellness. It requires a detailed understanding of each patient’s genetic, biochemical, and lifestyle factors and leverages objective data and subjective information to direct personalized treatment plans to address the underlying root causes of dysfunction of the patients profile. 

Conventional Medicine
  • Disease Centered
  • Treatment focuses on Symptoms
  • Doctor Centered
  • Hyper-Specialized
  • Early Detection od Disease

Affiliations, Associations & Training

Functional Medicine



Doctor's Data

Great Plains Labs


Evexia / LabCorp


Genova Diagnostics

Real Time Labs

Cyrex Labs

Clifford Research

Max Gen Labs

Functional Medicine
  • Health Centered
  • Treatment focuses on Causes
  • Patient Centered
  • Holistic
  • Preventative of Disease


What it is...
  • Artificial
  • Outside-In Approach
  • A Quick Fix
  • Conventional
  • Overrides Physiology
  • Insurance Controlled
What it is...
  • Natural 
  • Inside-Out Approach
  • A Long Term Solution
  • Cutting Edge
  • Works with Innate Physiology
  • Dr./Pt. Relationship Controlled
Sample Reports

Here are some sample reports of a few of our more common functional labs that we utilize.  You can click on the links below to learn about the many tests available through the individual labs that we commonly use.